Mod Invasion and Stockcar Hoopla
Woodford Glen Speedway


Event R08       10 Laps  
Page 1           Issue 1
Start Sat Mar 26   19:17
Elapsed Time        4:17
Pos Car  Driver                   Competitor/Team                Vehicle              Cap   CL Laps     Race.Time Fastest...Lap

1   62C  Dave McSherry            Dave McSherry                                                  10     4:17.2119   9 0:20.9930*
2   433  Matt Petersen            Matt Petersen                                                  10     4:17.5192   9 0:21.6930 
3   98C  Chris Miles              Chris Miles                                                    10     4:23.8197   9 0:21.6989 
4   428  Brooke Petersen          Brooke Petersen                                                10     4:24.6754   9 0:22.5073 
5   33C  Jono Garthley            Jono Garthley                                                  10     4:25.0757   9 0:21.6697 
6   27C  Paul Leslie              Paul Leslie                                                    10     4:27.0891   9 0:21.5070 
7   3NZ  Levi Van Lieshout        Levi Van Lieshout                                              10     4:31.8240   7 0:21.7788 
8   77C  Corey Schumacher         Corey Schumacher                                               10     4:36.7100   9 0:21.9547 
9   28C  Steve Petersen           Steve Petersen                                                 10     4:51.0037   9 0:21.7053 
10  22C  Matthew Cruden           Matthew Cruden                                                  9     4:24.2244   6 0:22.2464 
11  41C  Callum Bairds            Callum Bairds                                                   9     4:31.1188   8 0:23.8163 
12  43C  Benjamin Bonell          Benjamin Bonell                                                 9     4:38.2179   8 0:23.0407 
13  75C  chris Mazey              chris Mazey                                                     1     4:51.0037   1 4:51.0037 
DNF  6C  Travis Slayd             Travis Slayd                                                    2     1:56.6704   2 0:28.0059 

Fastest Lap Av.Speed Is 74kph, Race Av.Speed Is 60kph
Current Race Lap Record Is 0:19.4683 Set On 28/12/2020 By Corey Schumacher
R=under lap record by greatest margin, r=under lap record, *=fastest lap time
Issue# 1 - Printed Sat Mar 26 19:36:41 2022     Timing System By NATSOFT (03)63431311 & Dorian DATA-1
                                                                    Posted:                               Referee: Graham Cairns

NATSOFT Race Result

Mod Invasion and Stockcar Hoopla
Woodford Glen Speedway



Event R08       10 Laps  
Page 1           Issue 1
Start Sat Mar 26   19:17
Elapsed Time        4:17
                                    1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9        10 

62C Dave McSherry           0:30.6136 0:23.8728 0:22.0409 0:23.2964 0:47.2782 0:21.6819 0:23.5354 0:21.1731 0:20.9930 0:22.7266 
433 Matt Petersen           0:29.7056 0:23.0280 0:22.5777 0:22.0789 0:48.0701 0:22.7896 0:22.0241 0:21.9009 0:21.6930 0:23.6513 
98C Chris Miles             0:30.9902 0:22.7604 0:22.3415 0:23.3182 0:48.8096 0:23.9811 0:24.7236 0:22.4974 0:21.6989 0:22.6988 
428 Brooke Petersen         0:29.3153 0:23.2762 0:22.9521 0:24.6655 0:48.0163 0:23.6373 0:23.6149 0:23.7154 0:22.5073 0:22.9751 
33C Jono Garthley           0:31.3212 0:24.9199 0:22.1813 0:22.4423 0:47.0492 0:22.8071 0:25.9034 0:22.0250 0:21.6697 0:24.7566 
27C Paul Leslie             0:32.8267 0:24.3443 0:21.9209 0:22.2112 0:47.5421 0:22.2773 0:21.9217 0:21.9559 0:21.5070 0:30.5820 
3NZ Levi Van Lieshout       0:34.0585 0:25.7964 0:23.3382 0:22.2192 0:51.8325 0:21.9071 0:21.7788 0:21.8569 0:22.5026 0:26.5338 
77C Corey Schumacher        0:30.2363 0:23.1100 0:22.5746 0:22.8638 0:48.1261 0:24.0059 0:24.0961 0:22.1132 0:21.9547 0:37.6293 
28C Steve Petersen          0:31.8658 0:23.6036 0:21.7557 0:23.2902 0:48.4052 0:24.2806 0:22.5127 0:21.8251 0:21.7053 0:51.7595 
22C Matthew Cruden          0:32.0890 0:26.9610 0:23.0611 0:22.7347 0:46.9432 0:22.2464 0:32.4467 0:27.1394 0:30.6029 
41C Callum Bairds           0:33.3372 0:26.3233 0:34.4924 0:50.6077 0:25.9710 0:26.2816 0:24.0856 0:23.8163 0:26.2037 
43C Benjamin Bonell         0:43.0350 0:25.5476 0:24.5065 0:48.9407 0:26.0266 0:23.2516 0:24.4184 0:23.0407 0:39.4508 
75C chris Mazey             4:51.0037 
 6C Travis Slayd            1:28.6645 0:28.0059 

underline=fastest lap time
Issue# 1 - Printed Sat Mar 26 19:36:41 2022     Timing System By NATSOFT (03)63431311 & Dorian DATA-1
                                                                    Posted:                               Referee: Graham Cairns

NATSOFT Race Result

Mod Invasion and Stockcar Hoopla
Woodford Glen Speedway



Event R08       10 Laps  
Page 1           Issue 1
Start Sat Mar 26   19:17
Elapsed Time        4:17
      1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10 

1   428 428 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 62C 
2   433 433 428 77C 77C 62C 62C 62C 62C 433 
3   77C 77C 77C 98C 62C 33C 27C 27C 27C 98C 
4   62C 98C 98C 62C 33C 77C 77C 77C 77C 428 
5   98C 62C 62C 428 98C 27C 428 28C 28C 33C 
6   33C 28C 28C 28C 428 428 28C 33C 33C 27C 
7   28C 33C 33C 33C 27C 98C 33C 428 98C 3NZ 
8   22C 27C 27C 27C 28C 28C 98C 98C 428 77C 
9   27C 22C 22C 22C 22C 22C 3NZ 3NZ 3NZ 28C 
10  41C 41C 3NZ 3NZ 3NZ 3NZ 22C 22C 22C     
11  3NZ 3NZ 43C 43C 43C 43C 43C 43C 41C     
12  43C 43C 41C 41C 41C 41C 41C 41C 43C     
13   6C  6C                                 
14  75C                                     
Issue# 1 - Printed Sat Mar 26 19:36:41 2022     Timing System By NATSOFT (03)63431311 & Dorian DATA-1
                                                                    Posted:                               Referee: Graham Cairns